First Blog Post

Just Another Human
1 min readOct 15, 2020

First, a disclaimer. I am not a writer. I am an engineer by trade and unsure by everything else. So please continue entirely at your own risk.

I have no purpose in writing these posts. In fact, I do not even know what is going to happen when I do this. But that is the theme of this phase in my life, do things and figure out what happens later. This is in direct contrast to the suffocating way I have been living. That is, worrying about how I will end something before ever getting started.

A note to all those who may know me in the flesh, it would be best if you don’t read anything I write. But if you do, and it changes your opinion of me please tell me. I find this fascinating.

Over the next few posts I hope to paint a picture of the decisions I have made, the lessons I have learned, the world I live in, and hopefully some of the ideas I have. For now, back to real-life.

Until next time,

Just Another Human

